Does your hotel need a renovation or FF&E loan?
Finding capital to renovate, purchase and existing operation,
or build your hotel from the ground up is easier than you might think.

With our information-packed e-book you’ll learn when is the best time to renovate, where to start in the planning, what you need to know before you ask for money and so much more.
Providing resources to keep a hotel current in atmosphere, service, technology
to meet or exceed guest expectations

A partner you can bank on
Creating CUSTOM FINANCING SOLUTIONS for borrowers is my passion.
It may be welcoming the first overnight hotel guest to a newly designed and furnished room (made possible with our FF&E loan), a ground-up hotel construction loan, or a property improvement plan, I get a thrill of satisfaction knowing that SBA-Capital helped to make it happen!
Anything we can do to give our borrowers an edge supports my personal slogan: “Business Financing is what I do – Creating custom solutions is who I am.”